Thursday, August 5, 2010

Book Review: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

Boy, that was a fast read. Two days! That has to be a record for me, but I just had to see what happened. Finally, we have our conclusion to the saga of everyone's favorite slacker, Scott Pilgrim. And thankfully volume 6, Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, was a fitting end to an indie phenomena.

With Ramona gone and Scott once again aimless, it seems like a bleak time for our heroes. The band has broken up, Knives is moving on, Kim is up north, Envy is lingering around where she's not welcome, and there's the lingering threat of ex #7, Gideon Graves. So many questions remain. Will Scott have his final showdown with Graves? Where is Ramona? Will true love conquer all? Oh the drama. It's all been leading up to this.

I can't go into too much detail without giving things away, but I will say that the clashes are epic, the character development heart warming and heart breaking, the story development very real despite the surreal setting, and a lot of issues about our pasts haunting us and how we can be our own worst enemies are explored amidst all the video-game mayhem.

Last volumes are always a gamble. Will they live up to the hype they have built? In this case it does, and I was more than satisfied to see how Scott's journey came to an end. And I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I love O'Malley's drawings; not quite Manga, and very expressive.

My Verdict: Very cool, with a lot of fun and a lot of depth, but that's all you'll get out of me. Go read it.

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