Sunday, May 2, 2010

Movie Review: Kick-Ass

So here's a rather perplexing question. Why the heck hasn't anyone picked up the mantle and become a 'super hero'. Such is the question that Kick-Ass, a high-action, fowl-mouthed comedy based on a graphic novel of the same name, attempts to answer.

Now it's true, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who can fly, or walk through walls or any of that super-powered crap. But there are lots of examples of people who don't have superpowers but who still take up the cause. Bruce Wayne, for example. He just had gadgets and a lot of training. Or Tony Stark. He just had a good suit.

Cue Dave Lizewski, played by Aaron Johnson, a comic geek with no more motivation than a lot of optimism and a desire to see justice done. Thus he dons a converted scuba suit and becomes 'Kick-Ass', soon gaining Internet fame and inspiring other superheroes to come out of the woodwork. These include old-pros and big time sociopath's Big Daddy (Nicholas Cage) and Hit-Girl (newcomer Chloe Moretz). All of this centers around an organized-crime boss and his son Chris (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) who eventually coins the name Red Mist.

There's bad language, a lot of laughs, geek references, quite a bit of blood and a whole lot of kicked asses. Good times. I feel the movie does a good job of conveying the pros and cons one would expect of that kind of life. Plus it's all set to a soundtrack worthy of a Tarantino film.

If I had one big complaint, it would be that it seemed long for some reason. The film clocks in at just under 2 hours, but it felt longer than that. Maybe it was just the pacing.

But, without giving anything away, they left the door open for a sequel, and I would very much like to see it.

My verdict: Uber-cool take on superhero movies. Not everyone's cup of tea however, especially those who aren't into violence or swearing. If that doesn't bother you, you're good to go.

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