Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Your American Idol!

We have a winner! The moment we've been waiting for since January finally arrived tonight as Lee DeWyze, the former paint salesman and underdog of the competition beat out Crystal Bowersox for the Season 9 crown. As per usual it was a star-studded event, and was, I think, a fitting conclusion to a very bizarre season.

After seeing deserving contestants get eliminated early and not so great contestants linger longer than they should, it came down to Mommasox and The Boxer. Crystal was definitely there on talent, and while Lee was definitely a talented singer, I think he was also there because of a popularity vote. But he earned his popularity, there is no doubt. When he started he was clearly lacking in confidence, and over the last few weeks he's really come into his own. Personally, I would've been happy if either contestant had one, but I admit I was rooting for Lee. Some will wonder if the right Idol was crowned, but I'm satisfied with America's decision.

Quite a few good performances tonight, with Alice Cooper, Christina Aguilera, Kris Allen, Hall & Oates, Chicago, the Gibbs, Janet Jackson (who sounded creepily like Michael during her first song), etc. all showing up to perform. One person I was happy to see was Bret Michaels, who did a duet with Casey James. After nearly loosing him to a brain hemorrhage, it's good to see Michaels back on his feet and singing.

But tonight was special for another reason: it was Simon's last night as a judge. I'll take a minute to let you absorb that concept. Alright, let's move on. It's Simon Cowell's last night people! The guy's been with the show since the beginning, 10 freakin' years! He's one of the faces of the whole industry. Where does he think he's going anyway?

Despite that horrifying news, I thought they had a good send off for him. With a tribute to his snarky comments, a montage of favorite moments, a special visit from Paula Abdul and previous Idol winners (all except David Cook for some reason) and contestants singing for him, the producers worked hard to make it special without taking too much focus away from the Top 2. Then the man himself got up and said some heartfelt words to the people behind the show, his fellow judges, the contestants and to Ryan. It was touching for all concerned. Man I'm going to miss him. I don't even know if I can watch the show without him. But I wondered if I would tune in last year and I still watched. Again, time will tell.

All in all, I'm glad I hung in there this season. What did you all think? Will you miss Simon as much as I will? Do you think the right contestant won?

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