Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Idol Returns...And I end up watching it!

First off, sorry for the excessive amount of dead air lately. A busy holiday season coupled with computer troubles (I'm currently using my roomate's laptop) has slowed me down. Oh, and Happy New Year.

Speaking of the new year, here's the thing. One of the very first posts I ever published on this blog was about my raging disappointment in American Idol, previously one of my favorite TV shows. There was a very long rant about unnecessary changes made to the format, the addition of Kara, and, perhaps most atrocious of all, the fact that Adam Lambert didn't win, even though he clearly should have. I wondered then whether or not I would return to the show when it came back to the airwaves in January.

Well, that time is now. The two hour premiere aired tonight on Fox. And I watched it. Not just for a few minutes to just stick my head in, so to speak, and see what's going on. I watched the whole freakin' thing! And I may keep watching. What a difference a few months can make, huh?

Tonight was the auditions in Boston, with the typical drama, moving stories, awesome talent and people who have absolutely no business singing in public and don't seem to know it. One auditioner that stood out for me was an anime fan who apparently has been singing her whole life. She's had vocal coaches, been in musical theatre, etc. Then we had the privilege of watching and, unfortunately, listening to her screech her way through Janis Joplin. Seriously, she was bad...and then she was shocked when the judges didn't like it, even more so when they advised her to give singing up entirely. You had to feel for her though, when she berated said judges in front of a camera later, asking 'How dare you?' for suggesting she give up her supposed passion in life.

A couple of standouts who could end up making the semi finals were also showcased tonight. And as I sat and watched with my roomate I commented and talked to the screen like a always do. I didn't mind Kara's contributions, laughed at Simon & Randy's comments, enjoyed seeing Posh Spice guest judging, and, as mean as this may sound, I did not miss Paula. Overall, it was just like visiting an old friend.

So will this hesitant viewership on my part continue? I'll keep you posted. After all, it would be nice to see Simon and Ellen together once the auditions are over. And how much longer will Simon be on AI for me to enjoy anyway? In the mean time, feel free to post any and all shock at my going back to all of this below.

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