So Conan O'Brien has just been signed to a new show to air this fall.
That's not shocking news. That's excellent, well-deserved and fully expected news. No my friends the shocker is that this new show will be airing...on TBS!
TBS? Really? Most insiders had anticipated that O'Brien would create ties with Fox, but apparently the basic cable channel beat the major network to it.
I would be happy to see Conan on TV at all, seeing as how I'm still bitter over the whole Leno-gate situation and how O'Brien totally got the short end of it. Except for on thing; I don't get TBS where I live. What the heck am I supposed to do come September? I hope to God that a Canadian station will also pick it up and air it here. Please, please, please...
Anyone else out there as surprised as I am? Or do you think this turn of events makes sense?
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