Friday, July 2, 2010

Trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 released: Too scary?

The trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 was released with the new Twilight movie, and already there's buzz around it, because not only is it fairly horrifying, but many are arguing that it's too scary for the younger Twi-hards watching the movie. Some people in Texas have apparently complained about it, and it's been pulled from several theatres in that state. I've watched it online, and yeah it is startling, and maybe it's even worse when it's up on the big screen in a darkened theatre, but it's not graphic and it's pretty short, so no I don't think the trailer in and of itself is too scary, but it does show promise that the movie it promotes will have some chills, maybe as much as it's predecessor (see my previous post). had a great post about the PA2 trailer, and poses the question of what other trailers and TV spots have sent chills down the viewers spine. Clark Collis, the author of the post, lists the trailers for Phantasm, the remake for Dawn of the Dead and The Shining, and he includes youtube videos of each one and for the PA2 spot. I have to agree with the Shining trailer, which is simple (only focusing on one particularly jarring scene), elegant and terrifying, much like the film itself. And as freaky as that elevator scene is, you have to admit it's beautifully shot, and the music itself is enough to give you nightmares. Phantasm looked nonsensical and the 2004 DotD trailer was short and to the point but not overly scary. One trailer that freaked me out as a kid was, and this is embarrassing to admit, from one of the Tales of the Crypt movies. Give me a break, I was just a kid!

Any trailers that have scared the heck out of you? Post away.

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